Help Us Make a Difference

The meal services and food hampers provided by One Meal directly benefit the lives of hundreds of Sydney’s most vulnerable, at-risk and disadvantaged individuals and families every week.

To deliver these services, we rely on the generous support of many individuals and businesses contributing towards our efforts via one-off or regular donations. A $10 donation provides breakfast pack supplies for 8 breakfasts; $50 covers the cost of the ingredients for a huge pot of hot stew to fill many hungry tummies; $500 ensures a  family of 5 get fresh fruit & veggies every week no matter how tough things get. 

Your financial support tangibly Makes a Difference!


We utilise the ‘GiveNow’ secure online donation platform delivered by the Our Community Foundation to enable safe and secure donations to One Meal. You can elect to make a one-off donation whenever you can, or you can set-up a recurring monthly donation and become one of our highly treasured Regular Givers.

With regular (planned/recurring) giving, instead of a one-off lump-sum, you schedule a potentially smaller but regular amount every month. Planned giving can help your cash flow and you will also be providing us with a more predictable cash-flow that greatly assists our planning and management of services. Regular gifts allow us to plan for the future based on consistent funding we can count on to ensure our impact into the future.

All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible. Donors are issued with a receipt automatically and a tax record will be sent at the end of the financial year to the email address you provide with your donation.

Every donation, no matter how big or small, has a positive impact and helps us continue to help people in need.

Your support Makes A Difference!

Click the GiveNow banner above or visit

THANK YOU – EVERY CONTRIBUTION COUNTS – and we are extremely grateful for your support!

Alternatively our bank details are:

One Meal – It Makes a Difference Inc.
Westpac Banking Corporation

BSB: 032-718
Account: 390606

Please use your First Initial and Surname (or Company Name) as reference, and email us if you require a tax receipt to be issued.